Justice Sam Alito Busted For Flying Flag Upside Down In Solidarity With MAGA After Biden Win In 2020. Blames It On His Wife

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was quick to blame his wife when it was discovered that a MAGA symbol was displayed in the justice's front yard as the high court was considering an election case, but that excuse doesn't hold water, according to a federal courts insider.

The New York Times reported on Thursday that an upside-down American flag was seen flying at Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's house after President Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 election, and a CNN panel on Friday bashed him for a total lack of professionalism.

In the wake of Biden's victory, many Trump supporters flew American flags upside down to signal distress in the United States, and panelist David Frum argued that having an upside down flag at the house of a Republican-appointed Supreme Court justice is "going to raise a lot of doubts about the legitimacy of the court," especially when it comes to the upcoming case on presidential immunity.

The most corrupt court in the nations history. There are no more legitimate arguments for not expanding the entire federal judiciary, and requiring term limits for judges. The toxic partisanship of conservatism, and their dark money billionaire supporters have destroyed all of the democratic principles created by the Founders.
Day in and day out picky picky little sh43 posted ,as America Refuses to look at the bigger problems.

"Alexandria, Va. — Scandal-plagued Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito once cut in line at the Alexandria, Va., Safeway, according to witnesses and staff who spoke to the Associated Press.
Ethics experts say that the controversies call into question Alito’s political neutrality and commitment to the rule of law.

“This is an out-of-control-justice on an out-of-control Court,” said Chad Curtis of Accountability USA, a watchdog organization devoted to monitoring the courts. “Memo to Justice Alito: the rules apply to you.”

Impeach them all!
How would you know that Alito was hanging the flag upside down in solidarity with anyone? If you didn't hear him make the claim, you made it up. You are lying, just like all democrats all the time.
Well it is not limited to being used as a sign of distress. It can be used by anyone and then claim what it means to them. She may have been in distress as the neighbor was messing with her.

trump supporters used it for their purpose.

I do not understand why she just did not call the police as it was displaying profanity in a neighborhood.

Yeah, yeah freedom of speech. It still boils down to is how its being used.

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